ROC Talks: Royal Oak Church Messages
ROC Talks: Royal Oak Church Messages
"An Eternal King is Coming to Earth" (John 1:1-14)
I. Christ the Eternal. (John 1)
a. He pre-existed creation. (John 1:1)
b. He was the agent of creation (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16).
c. He is the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8, 22:13).
II. Christ the God-Man. (John 1:1, 14).
A. What doesn't this mean?
1. He was NOT half-man and half-God.
2. He was NOT just a man.
3. He was NOT just divine.
4. He did not “become” divine.
B. What DOES this mean?
1. He has two eternal and distinct natures (Colossians 2:9).
2. He became flesh during the incarnation (Matthew 1:18-24).
3. God has literally walked in your shoes (Hebrews 4:15)
| He is worshiped (Matt. 2:2, 11; 14:33) | He worshiped the Father (John 17)
| He was called God (John 20:28; Heb. 1:8) | He was called man (Mark 15:39; John 19:5)
| He was called Son of God (Mark 1:1) | He was called Son of Man (John 9:35-37)
| He is prayed to (Acts 7:59) | He prayed to the Father (John 17)
| He is sinless (1 Pet. 2:22; Heb. 4:15) | He was tempted (Matt. 4:1)
| He knows all things (John 21:17) | He grew in wisdom (Luke 2:52)
| He gives eternal life (John 10:28) | He died (Rom. 5:8)
| All the fullness of deity dwells in Him (Col. 2:9) | He has a body of flesh and bones (Luke 24:39)